Kristina Dourif Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kristina Dourif

Kristina Dourif has had a successful career spanning several years. She has become a sought-after freelance makeup artist and consultant. She works in the entertainment industry. But there’s more to her than just her professional achievements. Born in 1976 in Woodstock, New York, Kristina is now 48 years old as of 2024.

She is the daughter of actor Brad Dourif and psychic Joni Dourif. Her unique background shaped her into the person she is today. In this post, we’ll delve into Kristina’s personal and professional life. We’ll cover her age, height, weight, family, and net worth. This will give you insight into the world of this talented and intriguing person. So, let’s dive in and discover more about Kristina Dourif.

Who is Kristina Dourif?

Kristina Dourif is a person who loves to play with makeup and colours. She is very good at making people look beautiful. Her dad is a famous actor, and her mom had a special talent for knowing things. Instead of acting in movies like her dad, Kristina decided to make art with makeup.

She works by herself and helps others look their best for their important moments. Kristina is very creative and uses her talent to make the world around her more colorful and happy. She also has a lot of fun hobbies that make her smile.



Kristina Dourif

Date of Birth



48 years old as of 2024


Woodstock, New York

Real Name

Kristina Dourif’s real name is a little bit of a secret. like in fairy tales, characters have magical names. Kristina’s name holds magic, too, because of her family. Her dad, who acts in movies, and her mom, who could know things without being told, gave her a special name.

But to everyone, she’s simply known as Kristina Dourif. This name is like a key. It opens doors to her world. She makes people look beautiful with makeup and explores colors and fun hobbies. It’s a name that fits just right for her adventures.

The Early Years of Kristina Dourif

Growing up, Kristina lived in a place full of nature and music, Woodstock. As a little girl, she loved playing dress-up and using her mom’s makeup to paint her face—it’s just for fun. She would spend hours making herself and her dolls look like princesses and fairies.

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Kristina also loved listening to stories from her dad and dreaming up her own tales of adventure. Her house was always filled with laughter and love, making her childhood a very happy time. Every day was a new adventure, exploring the woods or drawing pictures in her room.

Parents and siblings.

Kristina’s dad is Brad Dourif, a famous actor who plays in movies. He can pretend to be different people because he’s very good at acting. Her mom was Joni Dourif, who had a special gift for knowing things that others couldn’t see, like a magic power. Kristina’s family is full of interesting and talented people.

She has brothers and sisters too, but their adventures and stories are just as special. They all share a big, loving family. The family likes to spend time together, sharing stories and making new memories. Kristina loves her family very much and enjoys the magic they bring into her life.


Kristina Dourif likes to keep her love life private. She doesn’t talk much about if she has a husband. They are like a secret garden. It’s hidden away and only known to her. Kristina’s heart stories are her own special secret. wonder if she’s married or has a special someone. But for now, it’s like an unopened mystery book.

She enjoys sharing about her makeup art and adventures. But, when it comes to love, it’s a part of her life she keeps tucked away, like a hidden treasure.


Kristina Dourif likes to keep her life private. This includes information about her family. She keeps details about having children close to her heart. They are like a hidden treasure chest in a fairy tale. We don’t know if she has any little ones calling her “mommy.”

It’s like a secret garden that only she can wander in. one day, she’ll share stories of playtime and adventures with kids. But, for now, it’s a part of her story waiting to be told. It’s wrapped in the mystery and magic of her private life.

Kristina Dourif physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Kristina Dourif is not very tall, standing at 5 feet 2 inches, like a fairy from your favorite storybook. Her weight is 62kg, which is just perfect for her. Kristina looks like she could be a character in a fairy tale, with a smile that lights up a room. Imagine her being as tall as a little bit more than three stacked apple crates.

She moves gracefully, almost like she’s dancing when she walks. Her appearance is like a princess from the magical stories you love. It makes her seem like she stepped out of a story to share her makeup magic with the world.

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Kristina Dourif Before Fame

Kristina grew up in a place with lots of trees and music, called Woodstock. When she was a little girl, she loved playing with her mom’s makeup, pretending to be a princess or a fairy. She also enjoyed making up stories and adventures, like in the fairy tales she read.

Even though her dad was a famous movie star, Kristina dreamed of doing something else. She wanted a job that used her love for colors and making things beautiful. This is how she started on her path to becoming a makeup artist.

Kristina Dourif Career Path: Makeup Artist and Consultant

Kristina Dourif found her magic in colours and beauty. She helps people shine for special days. Imagine being a wizard but with makeup! Kristina travels to places, meeting people who want to look their very best. She carries a bag full of makeup tools, almost like a treasure chest. Every day, she mixes colours and uses her brushes like a magic wand.

People smile when they see themselves in the mirror. That’s her special power. Besides making faces pretty, Kristina gives advice on beauty. She’s like a guide in the world of makeup, helping others find their sparkle.

Kristina Dourif Net Worth and Financial Success

Kristina Dourif has done really well with her makeup and beauty advice work. She’s like a treasure hunter who has found lots of treasures! Kristina has saved up and now has $2 million.

She uses her makeup magic to help people feel beautiful. In return, she’s been able to collect lots of treasure. It’s like she’s on a big adventure, making the world brighter and also filling her piggy bank.

Kristina Dourif is a famous reason.

Kristina Dourif is famous because her father is a star in movies and her mother had a special gift. But that’s not all! Kristina became well-known by making faces look very pretty with her makeup. People love how she can turn anyone into a princess or a superhero with her makeup bag. She didn’t want to be in movies like her father.

Instead, she chose to make magic with her brushes and colors. That’s what makes Kristina special and famous in her own way. She helps people see how beautiful they can be, and that’s a wonderful thing to do.

Kristina Dourif Nationality and religion.

Kristina Dourif comes from a place called the United States, which means she is American. It’s like being part of a big team where everyone is from the same country. As for religion, it’s like a special club that people join because they believe in the same things.

But Kristina keeps her beliefs private, like a secret story in her heart. like everyone has favorite colors and games. People also have beliefs that are important to them. Kristina’s are just for her to know.

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Kristina Dourif Legacy and Impact

Kristina Dourif is like a color wizard, leaving a trail of rainbows wherever she goes. Her magic isn’t just in making people look pretty, but in showing them how beautiful they are inside and out. Kristina helps confidence bloom in people’s hearts. She does this with her makeup magic, like planting seeds in a garden.

Her story teaches us that being unique is great. Following your own dream can create a beautiful path for others to walk on too. She’s like a storybook hero. She uses her talents to spread joy and inspire others to find their own special magic.

Kristina Dourif Future Plains

Kristina Dourif has big dreams for the future! She wants to travel to magical places and meet new friends. Imagine going to a castle or a forest full of talking animals! Kristina also plans to learn new ways to make makeup even more fun.

She’s thinking about teaching others to be makeup wizards. She’ll share her secrets in special classes. Kristina’s future looks like a big, exciting adventure, with lots of beauty, smiles, and a bit of magic.


  • Kristina loves to paint. She makes colorful pictures of flowers and trees.

  • She enjoys hiking in the woods. She looks for birds and animals to watch.

  • Kristina likes to read fairy tales. She dreams about magical places.

  • Cooking is fun for her. She tries new recipes to make yummy treats.

  • She collects pretty stones. Each one is special to her.

  • Kristina listens to music. She dances around her room to the beat.

  • She practices yoga. It helps her feel calm and happy.

Interesting Facts About Kristina Dourif

  • Kristina loves to paint colorful pictures in her free time.

  • She enjoys cooking and trying new recipes from around the world.

  • Kristina is a big fan of animals, especially fluffy cats.

  • She sometimes helps out at local makeup events for free.

  • Kristina can speak two languages – English and a bit of French.

  • Her favorite color is purple because it makes her happy.

  • She likes to go on long walks to find new places to explore.


Who is Kristina Dourif’s dad?

Her dad is Brad Dourif, an actor.

What does Kristina do for work?

She is a makeup artist and helps people look pretty.

How tall is Kristina?

She is not very tall, just 5 feet 2 inches.

Does Kristina have a husband?

We don’t know if she’s married. She keeps it a secret.

What are some things Kristina likes to do?

She loves painting, cooking, reading stories, and going on hikes.

Can Kristina speak any other languages?

Yes, she speaks English and a little bit of French.

What’s Kristina’s favorite color?

It’s purple. She thinks it’s a happy color.


In the end, Kristina Dourif shows us that you can choose your own path and still do amazing things. She didn’t become an actress like her dad, but she’s a super talented makeup artist and consultant. Kristina also has fun hobbies like painting, hiking, and cooking.

She enjoys making her life colorful and happy, just like the pretty stones she collects. Kristina teaches us to follow our dreams, try new things, and find joy in what we love to do. Remember, it’s okay to be different and make your own magic in the world.


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